Whether you’re after a complete flat roof and structure install or simply looking to replace your current system then we offer several different methods to meet your requirements. With a variety of different methods and materials, we aim to work closely with yourself to ensure the project is well managed and thought out prior to any work commencing.


Single-ply Membranes are an extremely popular option for both Domestic and Commercial properties. If you are looking for a durable, modern-looking finish then this may be the one for you. Instead of the industry basic flamed installation system, the Single-ply membranes are sealed using a polymerised vinyl resin which creates a durable composite. To find out more about what we can do for you head over to our contacts page.


Here at SDF we also offer a Liquid applied roofing option to ensure a seamless and durable finish. Whilst remaining lightweight, the system boats impressive durability in all conditions with its tear-free formula. The method allows for greater flexibility when it comes to installation- perfect for roofs of unnatural shape and size. Take a look at some of our recent work and feel free to leave us a message.


An Energy efficient, sustainable solution is an ever-popular choice in the currently evolving climate. The Sedum Greenroof comprises of several sedum-filled trays which are carefully placed on the roof of the property. A couple of the main and most popular reasons for having a Sedum Greenroof installed is to increase the biodiversity of wildlife, and appearance of the property. Reduced pollution levels due to the wildlifes carbon dioxide intake result in a much lower carbon footprint of the plot, often increasing the overall property value. Our team here at SDF are fully trained and competent using this unique revolutionary system. 

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